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來(lái)源   發(fā)布時(shí)間:2024-02-24 16:46:33  瀏覽:0


The professionalization and refinement of short videos will be further strengthened

◆從“草根”創(chuàng )作向化、精品化躍進(jìn)。

◆ Leap from grassroots creation to specialization and refinement.

◆成為一種獨具特色的網(wǎng)絡(luò )視聽(tīng)節目形態(tài)和重要的 輿論宣傳、知識傳播和文化建設載體。

Becoming a unique form of online audio-visual programs and an important carrier for public opinion promotion, knowledge dissemination, and cultural construction.


Short videos are mutually empowered with mainstream broadcasting and television media, making them the main track for the deep integration and development of broadcasting and television media.

◆主流媒體入局,將進(jìn)一步驅動(dòng)短視頻從泛娛樂(lè )化向主流化、化、價(jià)值化轉型升級。

The comprehensive entry of mainstream media will further drive the transformation and upgrading of short videos from pan entertainment to mainstream, professional, and value oriented.



Five Major Trends in the Short Video Industry in 2024

2用戶(hù)參與創(chuàng )作積極性將進(jìn)一步提升

The enthusiasm of 2 users to participate in creative activities will be further enhanced


The scale of short video users continues to grow.


Short videos have become a popular application due to their long usage time being reversed from ultra long videos.


Short videos have profoundly changed users' media usage habits.

◆人們習慣了大數據推送,沉浸于“刷短視頻”,用戶(hù)參與創(chuàng )作的積極性不斷提升,職業(yè)創(chuàng )作者群體不斷壯大。

People are accustomed to big data push and immersed in "browsing short videos". The enthusiasm of users to participate in creation continues to increase, and the professional creator group continues to grow.


The ecological layout and diversified development of the three platforms will be further accelerated


The growth rate of users has slowed down.


The platform has shifted from traffic competition to value competition.

◆各平臺逐步從單一的短視頻內容和社交媒體平臺向線(xiàn)上綜合性數字社區演進(jìn),即用戶(hù)可在短視頻平臺實(shí)現休閑娛樂(lè )、電商購物、生活服務(wù)、知識學(xué)習等多種訴求。

Various platforms are gradually evolving from a single short video content and social media platform to an online comprehensive digital community, where users can achieve various demands such as leisure entertainment, e-commerce shopping, life services, and knowledge learning on short video platforms.


The integration of short videos with various industries continues to deepen


Expand localized lifestyle services. Some short video platforms have already covered the whole country in their life service business, bringing users a new local life experience of "watching, clicking, and reaching".


Actively serve rural revitalization. Various platforms have launched new models such as "short videos+agricultural assistance" to expand sales channels for agricultural products and empower rural revitalization.


Assist in the development of the cultural and tourism industry. Short videos have become a powerful tool for tourism promotion and marketing, providing a huge driving force for the development of the cultural and tourism industry.


5 proactive development policies and effective governance mechanisms will be synergistically promoted and continuously optimized

◆短視頻時(shí)代已經(jīng)來(lái)臨,將深入持久地影響經(jīng)濟社會(huì )和大眾生活,成為推動(dòng)強國建設和民族復興的重要文化力量。積極政策和有效治理猶如車(chē)之兩輪、鳥(niǎo)之兩翼,協(xié)同推動(dòng)短視頻高質(zhì)量發(fā)展。

The era of short videos has arrived, which will comprehensively, deeply, and persistently affect the economy, society, and people's lives, becoming an important cultural force in promoting the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation. Positive policies and effective governance are like two wheels of a car and two wings of a bird, working together to promote the high-quality development of short videos.

本文由濟南網(wǎng)絡(luò )推廣友情奉獻.更多有關(guān)的知識請點(diǎn)擊:http://m.hfjtr.cn真誠的態(tài)度.為您提供為的服務(wù).更多有關(guān)的知識我們將會(huì )陸續向大家奉獻.敬請期待

This article is about promoting friendship and dedication through the Jinan network. For more information, please click: Sincere attitude. We will provide you with comprehensive services. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Stay tuned

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濟南短視頻運營(yíng):視頻號視頻內容的創(chuàng )作要領(lǐng)
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